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So How Does It Work?
HTML Topics & Templates



Project File (.hhp)

Contents File (.hhc)

Merging Modular Files

Accelerating Links

Distribution & Installation

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HTML Help File Type Chart

HTML Help involves many different components, each of which requires a different file type with its own extension and special requirements. For each of the possible HTML Help components, the following table shows: the appropriate Extension in HTML Help (plus the extension of the Windows Help counterpart, if any); the name generally used to refer to that File Type; the tool or application that the component is Created in; and the Purpose & Use of that component.

For additional information about using these file types, consult the Process Overview.

Extension File Type Created in Purpose & Use
compiled help file HTML Help Workshop contains all elements of the Help system (text, graphics, styles, scripts, contents, index, search) in a single compressed file that is distributed to the end user
.css cascading style sheet HTML editor, specialized CSS tool, or text editor (Notepad) contains formatting definitions (fonts, sizes, colors, backgrounds). The.css extension is used for an external file that HTML files link to. (Stylesheets may also be embedded in individual HTML files.)
help contents file HTML Help Workshop or text editor (Notepad) contains table of contents for the project; in modular project, may contain references to external .hhc files
.hhk help index file HTML Help Workshop or text editor (Notepad) contains a specific list of indexed terms and their associated files. Does not include either Alinks or Klinks, though Klinks may be merged into the index during compilation.
help project file HTML Help Workshop or text editor (Notepad) contains information about the project, including window definitions, included files, compiler & compatibility options, default page
web page HTML editor, HTML Help Workshop, or text editor contains the actual text and graphics of the project’s Help pages
.js JavaScript or JScript file scripting tool or text editor (Notepad) contains scripts that provide dynamic presentations or interactivity with the user. The .js extension is used for an external file that HTML files link to. (Scripts may also be embedded in individual HTML files.)